Google+ What I Made Today: A Bouquet of Fondness

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Bouquet of Fondness

Rita loved springtime. I recall taking rides with her to witness the earliest blooms of the season, cultivated and wild. In Delaware, she loved her azaleas and rhododendrons. In New York, it was the daffodils and peonies that delighted her after the snow melted. I planted both. She loved the wildflowers, too, and would create grand arrangements with her pickings … a perfect blend of formal and wild. She had a knack.

There were always flowers somewhere in her dwelling, it seems. She kept altars with photos, prayer cards, figurines, candles and almost always a bloom of something to honor the lives of those for whom she prayed.

The first condolence card I opened was from one of my spouse's co-workers. It was a Mass card offering blessings of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, the "Little Flower." How fitting this felt. 

For Little Rita … and for me.

While the two of us did not see I eye-to-eye in matters religious, we did share so much in matters spiritual. Taking those rides together to witness the blossoms, pausing at harbor's edge to watch boats come and go as the sun set, sitting on the boardwalk gazing at the horizon and witnessing the waves break against the sandy shore … these are just a few memories that conjure those special moments when we would speculate together on the Big Mysteries of life. 

These moments are memories I hold with grand fondness.

The last photograph I took of her was on mother's day and she had a flower in her hair. I put it there. And it's no accident.



Anonymous said...

Lovely post about your mom. I lost my mom 27 years ago this month but still miss her... Bless the memories that sustain us


Anonymous said...

Wonderful and heart warming

Healing Woman said...

I am very touched by your memories of "Rita" Thank you for sharing an intimate part of your life. What you have written is a beautiful tribute.

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Such a beautifully written memorial to your Mother, Rose. Always in our memories; always loved. Peace and joy and lots of healing . . . Catherine

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

I appreciate your comments so much. I've said it before and I'll say it again, they are like nourishment to me. :)

Julie l. Cleveland said...

Thank you for taking me along on your journey.

Julie and Blu

fortunatetravelers said...

Happy Honoring Day! I can see the strength and resilience in your mother and in you. That yellow flower in her hair brings sweetness to your spiritual connection. In rememberance of the strong women in our lives, to mothers, grandmothers and all our ancestors. This is beautiful.