Google+ What I Made Today: Kabees

Sunday, September 28, 2014


Today I made three quarts of Kabees, a simple, middle eastern preserve of turnips and beets. Where are the beets, you ask? The only late beets I planted are golden ones. They are gorgeous and delicious and will imbue a warm, golden tone to these quart jars as they age.

Here's how I made them (today):


3 turnips, peeled and cut into matchsticks
3 beets, peeled and cut into matchsticks
9 cloves garlic, sliced
hot pepper flakes (I didn't have any fresh hot peppers)
2 ½ cups vinegar (approximately) - I used an herb-infused apple cider vinegar
2 ½ cups water (approximately)
5 teaspoons salt (sea or kosher)

In a bowl, combine the vinegar, water and salt and stir until the salt is dissolved and dispersed.
Fill each quart jar with the beets and turnip pieces in layers with the garlic and pepper flakes.
Fill each jar with the vinegar-water-salt blend and cap.

I did add some sweet pepper to one of the jars to fill the jar and because I had them. That's how I roll.

I label these and put them in my basement pantry where it's both relatively cool and very dark. I like to let them sit for at least one month before using, and can say they get better as they sit throughout the winter.

I love these on our hand-ground wholewheat bread, sandwich-style and understand that they're a great addition to sandwiches in general. I also love them tossed into a salad (hot or cold), as a side-dish, alone or with other vegetables, and even on pizza.

So, yeah, that's what I made today. Peace.


Debi said...

Oh my! This would be very much loved in my house!
Thk you for sharing! xoDebi

Sharkbytes said...

They sure are pretty, but I'm not a fan of hot stuff.

Tammie Lee said...

ummmm, yum!

tomorrow i hope to gather rosehips
do you have a favorite recipe you would like to share?

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Oh, rosehips … I don't really have a favorite, Tammie, but I can tell you that rosehips land in virtually every preserve that I make. I include them in my spring rhubarb preserves, my summer berry preserves and my (nutritional) winter preserves made from dried fruits.

I include them in teas and long-brew infusions. I toss them in stocks and soups. And they find their way into beverage ferments, too ~ soft drinks and not.

Whatever you choose do to with them, I'm sure you'll be delighted. :)

w said...

Oh my! These look absolutely appealing! Definitely on my 'to do' list :)

Unknown said...

Ooooooooh, yes. . .that looks positively divine. And now I need to go to the farmers' market in the west end today (since I was too late with the compost in the beds this year). You have twisted my arm.

Tammie Lee said...

thank you Rose!
all of your uses sound wonderful.