Google+ What I Made Today: Magnificent Medicine

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Magnificent Medicine

This final aspect of this week's art journal spread is a continuation of that Foundation of Trust, where faces and figures emerge from the random colors of the background.

That a community of figures has formed in this way - in this stage of relationship with Nona Entropy, as I meditate (in part) on my place, role and interactions with my human community - is fascinating to me.

And this experience, which I'm sharing with Sunday Sketches, validates (yet again) the magnificent Medicine that lies within the heART of art journaling. Or, so it seems.



Unknown said...

So many different expressions in that piece. Art does mirror the soul.

Christine said...

beautiful and creative page!

Tammie Lee said...

sounds like a wonderful thing to do, to consider and then to create with art, i enjoy looking at this.

Sharkbytes said...

If I did that it would not be medicine; I would just end up frustrated. It's beautiful... that's not the issue. But I would want it to be something else, or something useful in a pragmatic sense.

Bronson Hill Arts said...

The color & subtlety is provocative, Rose. Thank you for sharing!


Unknown said...

Interesting what emerges and bubbles up when we let it

C.W. Wolf said...

This looks like a wonderful exercise in letting go. Ahh that trust thing, I still have a ways to go.

lena-dailyscrap said...

This is truly beautiful - LOVE the people and their "sad" faces. Great idea!

Lorraine said...
