I am grateful for the opportunity to gather and share time and space, memories and dreams, laughter and heartache - and much more - with Women. They smooth my way in this journey of life by allowing me to see myself more clearly through their exquisite reflections.
I am grateful.
With them, I see my power, through their's, with fresh eyes. I see -
and acknowledge - the soft underbelly of my being … which gives way to lay name and title to the disquiet, discomfort, ache and pain that I'd rather let rest, undisturbed. Despite the "Rather Not" that I sometimes cling to in these dark realms, I delight - with reluctance - in the names and titles that allow me to carry them into the light of day, and nurture a positive and intimate relationship with these cardinal shadows hidden in the softs spots, the wounds, and the scars of my essence.
I am grateful.
Today I make space for gratitude, deep and flowing, painful and life-giving, melancholy and joyous … gratitude that is conceived and birthed in shadows of blood most sacred.
I am grateful.