Google+ What I Made Today: Spring Color

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Color

Today I played with some clay to create a little Venus of Willendorf goddess for a friend of mine. She's drying now and once I perceive her as dry, I'll cure her for a few days. Then I'll sand her and paint her and finish her. Her image is bound to show up here eventually.

I got out the acrylics are made a start on more little journals. Folks seem to like these and I enjoy creating them. They've offered me the opportunity to explore using colors I've shied away from in the past. But with spring bloom somewhere in my near future, creating with these colors serve as magic to make manifest this palette in my own little realm.  



suzanne cabrera said...

These are gorgeous! Lots of wonderful things sure to come out of these journals:)

Lucas said...

Hello Rose! Beautiful journals. I wanted to make some but not having much time these days.

LetaMarieDesigns said...

Beautiful Rose, and I am dreaming it and trying to manifest it. Big decision made today

Divaeva said...

pretty pretty!

Adaptable Kay said...

Those ARE beautiful! I just love your journals :)

And I can't wait to see an image of your figurine!!

Brizel Handcrafts said...

LOVE the colors- especially the violets and greens... YUM !

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Such beautiful colors and textures. Thanks for showing us!

Theresa MacNaughton said...

They are soooo very beautiful, Rose. I adore your journals. Theresa

Margelaene said...

The journals are really nice! Being put together, the colors make the effect of mosaica. I like violet most of all.

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Thanks, all!

And Lucas ~ nice to see you. :) I hope all is well and happy in your world!

Cynthia Schelzig said...

ooo these pastel tones match my cardigans!!!! Your journals look great and I love your fotos of tea cups! Thanks for stopping by my blog,,,now I found your blog:)
Have a great weekend,,,,

Gaby Bee said...

These are gorgeous! Such beautiful colors and textures.

Thanks for your kind visit!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Gaby xo