Google+ What I Made Today: Preparations for the Whiting Mills Open Studios Event

Friday, December 6, 2013

Preparations for the Whiting Mills Open Studios Event

Today I made my "final" plans and preparations for this weekend's Open Studios event at Whiting Mills in charming Winsted, Connecticut. I'll be heading to the studio later this evening to see what else I can do to fill my studio space with welcoming verve.

If you're in the area I invite you to stop by!

Not only will all the studios be open, but there will guest artisans showing off their handcrafts. You'll get to meet some great, creative folks, see their creations up close and personal, and learn about their wonderful offerings. Plus, the old mill is fascinating to wander.

If you find your way to this event, be sure to stop by my studio (#336) to say hello and to pause to create a little art! I have prepared little canvases for visitors to embellish with paint, pen, pencil or whatever … and as these canvases make manifest I will be stringing them together in a single piece of collaborative, community heART. I'm really looking forward to this communal, creative process and witnessing its evolution.

So if you find yourself in northwest Connecticut this weekend, or next, stop by Whiting Mills for this extraordinary event and maybe even get a little holiday shopping in, if you do that sort of thing. And hey ~ what a great way to support your local businesses and local economy!

As they say, "Buy Local or Bye Local!"



Tammie Lee said...

this sounds like so much fun!!

Carol said...

Sounds like lots of fun! I'll be here in the midwest wishing I were close enough to stop by :)

Karen said...

Wish I lived in Connecticut! I love the community art idea. Take a picture for us! Enjoy!

Sharkbytes said...

You inspire me SO much. Keep it up... maybe I'll pull out some paints one of these days.

Anna Garner said...

Oh, it sounds like a wonderful experience to stroll through that exhibition. I am sure you will enjoy the experience as much as the visitors.