Google+ What I Made Today: Tincture of Yarrow - My Bug Spray

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Tincture of Yarrow - My Bug Spray

Recently I was asked if I had a bug spray for sale, especially one that deters ticks. I do, and it's a simple tincture of Achillea millefolium, commonly called wild yarrow. I learned about this use of yarrow from herbalist and wise woman, Susun Weed in one of her articles or radio shows ~ I can't remember ~ but I've been using it and it does seem to help with May flies, ticks and mosquitos. And it enabled me to replace an old formula and reduce my essential oil use, which is a strategy to which I'm dedicated. Of course, the "best" practice for protecting oneself from tick bites (and the potential for tick borne dis-eases) is A) Conscious Body Awareness and B) Careful Body Checking. I've had one bite so far this year, and have picked two crawlies off my person. Not bad, given the time and space I spend in their territory.

But back to the yarrow tincture: All I could find was my own bottle from last season, because of course, I've been using it. I could have sworn I had made a fresh batch last summer. You see, I keep my dried herb shelves organized in alphabetic order by common name, and my prepared herbals are organized in the dispensary in alphabetic order by botanical name. It seems that my brain played a trick on me when putting away the bottle of tincture, for I discovered it (quite by "accident") in the Y section of my dispensary.

I knew I had made a batch!

I prefer teaching folks to make their own medicinals and will be offering such a workshop when the yarrow starts blooming. But there's always those folks who either don't want to make it themselves, or want it now, so I bottled some up in spray bottles to have on hand for the kind requester, as well as for the Whiting Mills Open Studios & Block Party coming up the first weekend in June in sunny Winsted, Connecticut.

There's a list of dispensary herbals I'm preparing. More on those in upcoming posts. Once I get them made!



Debi said...

Hello Rose! Thank you for this post. Up here in northern Canada the fright of summer is " Lime disease!
Now that my grandsons are visiting more and are at that explorer age, I'm a nagging Nana about dressing for our forests.....
Any help is appreciated and I will look on your site for this! You are my info central...I do keep up with you!

Lisabella Russo said...

That's good to know! Christine one of my other blog friends was asking about this, I'm going to post a link to here in her comments section...

Christine said...

Thanks for this info Rose and Lisa! Coincidentally I have yarrow in my garden, very hardy and drought tolerant.

Carol said...

After having Lyme 5 years ago I am always checking for the ticks that seem to be everywhere. You'd think I would used sprays consistently but my brain doesn't work that way :( I really need to concentrate on doing that and will bookmark this so I can make up some when the yarrow is ready .

experiments in paper said...

I so wish I could attend the Block Party - but will be in Montreal this weekend. So will look for your instructions once yarrow season arrives! xx Lynn

Tammie Lee said...

wonderful to hear about this tincture. I have had at least five ticks on me, but no bites. yes, body awareness and checks.