Google+ What I Made Today: Tomato Bounty

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Tomato Bounty

Rain is in tomorrow’s forecast, so today is about getting out into the gardens to make sure harvests get harvested.

First, I have to get the harvested, fully ripened tomatoes into the dehydrator. Then, and only then will I have room for what’s to come.

I’m so grateful for this bounty. Bounty to share, bounty to enJOY in the moment, and bounty to nourish ‘n’ sustain us through the months ahead.

Peace. ðŸ•Š


Laura said...

can i ask how you use your dehydrated tomatoes? dehydrating is new to me and i'm trying to learn how best to preserve/use the harvest. :-)
love & magicks

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Gosh, Laura, that's a loaded question! They're so many ways I leverage the brilliance of the dried tomato (and so many other veg *and* other dried foods)...

- Simply toss into soups 'n' strews to rehydrate during cooking.

- Rehydrate and smash into a paste (in my mortar 'n' pestle).

- Rehydrate and add to any dish.

- Crush extra-dry tomato into a powder (also in my mortar 'n' pestle) for color and flavor in all many of recipes.

- Make Italian style jarred tomatoes by rehydrating with vinegar, packing into jars with garlic, and herbs of choice. These are good on... virtually everything! And delights the Italian in me.

- And more- But I hope that's enough to inspire you. Be well.