Google+ What I Made Today: Lunga di Napoli Score

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Lunga di Napoli Score

Today I processed one Lunga di Napoli squash because it had some nibbles that might have compromise long-term storage. It’s the largest of five, and it weighed in at 25 pounds 'n' 13 ounces.

So... there's 16 pints in the canner, 8 trays in the dehydrator, two quarts puréed, and another two quarts raw, for the oven tonight.

Not too shabby for one squash!

Peace. 🕊


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Well, I’ve learned all sorts of new things there Rose! I’ve never done any canning of veg or fruit, how long do they last like that and you have to pasteurise them somehow? I’ve made plenty of jellies and relishes in my time but never degraded anything either, I really admire you for preserving so much of your produce. It’s really interesting!
Hugs LLJ xx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I love butternut squash and pumpkins when they are sweet and that deep orange colour - never tried 'Lunga di Napoli' but I expect I would like that too as it looks a lot like a butternut squash. Once I have juiced one (along with some carrots) and used the pulp to make a curried cream soup and it was the best thing I've ever cooked! Must try it again! The last butternut squash I had in the fridge went off because I was too lazy to cook it. Such a shame! I admire your dedication! Thanks so much for your visit earlier! xx

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Zsuzsa, this squash is sweet 'n' delicious, not unlike butternut... except for the size!

And - ooooh - curry soup! I'm gonna have to make a squash curry soup now; thanks for the inspiration!

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

TY, Lunch Lady Jan. Once canned - pressure canned - and/or dried and jarred, these will last for years, though nutrition fades with time, so we do out best to use our preserved food within three years.