Google+ What I Made Today: Evolution of Instinct

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Evolution of Instinct

The Art of Instinct continues its evolution. Who knows where it will go from here, how it will "turn out," or if it turns out at all! I'm in the studio less and less, outdoors more and more, so such evolutions slow down as collaborations with Nature pick up. If your curious about my Nature relationships you can take a peek at the recent goings on at When Weeds Whisper.

But today I share this evolving canvas with you and my friends at What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday. Take a peek over there for some creative inspiration!

And whatever you do, enJOY!



Kristiina said...

Love your bright red wolf! As the winter passes, it is great to spend time outdoors! Happy woyww!
Kristiina #15

Unknown said...

Beautiful and powerful wolf. Lovely work! Thank you for sharing

pearshapedcrafting said...

Love the bright colours you are using!

Diana Taylor said...

Fabulous work - interesting and powerful - I love the striking colours, and how you've continued the patterning onto his body - it works really well.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, I hope you have a great week,
Diana #28

Christine said...

interesting your title.

Neet said...

Powerful painting - powerful colours.
Hugs, Neet 23 x

Ali H said...

Thanks for visiting - love your amazing wolf ! Ali #18

okienurse said...

love the wolf canvas. I went to Weeds Whisper and was amazed at how many similar plants we have here. Right now is the best time for me to be outside and I enjoy gardening and tending to what I am given. I have a lot of large blade wild onion coming up in clumps and I think I will leave them to bloom this year. Thanks for stopping by my desk earlier. Vickie #8

Lisca said...

Your wolf canvas is great! Very bold and powerful in fact.
Have a great week,

Anne said...

Lovely work. I would have liked to get outdoors today - weather beautiful but I have been busy prepping for my class. Thanks for popping by. Anne @ 9

Anne said...

Lovely work. I would have liked to get outdoors today - weather beautiful but I have been busy prepping for my class. Thanks for popping by. Anne @ 9

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Love the wolf, the red looks great against the dark background. Have a great crafty week, Angela x 36 x

Carol said...

LOVE THE ART!!!! The colors are so me :)
Also loving that your Spring has finally arrived and you're outdoors more too ♥

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Rose, fabulous that you can 'evolve' a painting over time - some of my cards end up like that instead of quick and easy, it's looking good but enjoy being outdoors, lovely fresh air and sunshine and a garden. Thanks for visiting Cheers and have a wonderful week RobynO#22

PaperOcotilloStudio said...

Love the contrast of the warm against cool colors on you coyote painting. Also, the marks are very interesting. Thanks for stopping by my desk earlier :) Shel@paperocotillostudio #17

RosA said...

Your canvas is looking good. Enjoy the outdoors though, the canvas will be there on your return :)
Thanks for visiting earlier, much appreciated.

GlorV1 said...

Enjoy your spring weather. Your painting is full of beautiful color. Thanks for stopping by my PPF post. Have a great day.

Magic Love Crow said...

I love him!

Tammie Lee said...

wonderful design elements and colors in this, i can almost hear the howl.

Remei Navarro said...

Un abrazo, paz.

Kate Robertson said...

Love the wolf painting. They are a favorite animal of mine.


Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I love your bold use of color and the movement of your strokes. Happy Sunday Sketches and Blessings! #18

GalleryJuana said...

The days have been calling me outside too. Loving the evolving canvas! visiting from sunday sketches.

Marit said...

Oh wow, howling to the moon... what a lovely painting!! Happy (much belated) woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #27

Viola said...

Such a wonderful painting, those colors are so enhancing.