Google+ What I Made Today: Craft & Whimsey

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Craft & Whimsey

This morning I was inspired to mesh craft with craft and craft. This inspiration led me to make Dream Pillows. The creation of dream pillows combined the craft of sewing with the craft of herbalism and the craft of, well--the craft. Seven 7x7"-ish pillow covers came into being, each filled with a 5x5-ish soft pink pillow stuffed with .75 ounce of a dream pillow herb blend. The blend includes hops, lavender, pink rose petals, chamomile, scullcap, lemon verbena, rosemary and a touch of white sage.

All seven little pillows are made from salvaged and scrap fabric. Waste turned to healing loveliness.

Then I paused to sit with all the scrap and salvaged fabric and was moved to make a bag, this time something akin to a shopping bag. As it came together I felt the spirit Dr. Suess had guided a fair portion of my piecing and stitching, for the result is truly more whimsical than functional. And that pleases me.

Even as I type these words, I see and feel more pieces of those scraps joining and forming more craft with craft and craft . . .

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