One-on-One Holistic Wellness Services
All one-on-one private sessions ~ in person or over the phone ~ are offered PWYW (Pay What You Wish).
This includes all wellness consultations, healing sessions, readings, private sessions of every kind. Classes and workshops are offered separately (see below), though consultations can be highly educational ~ in fact, I hope that they are!
All sessions are By Appointment Only. Phone consultations also available.

Walk in the Woods School of Herbal Wellness
Herbal Courses of Study, Learning and Experience
Walk in the Woods School of Herbal Wellness offers herbal studies in a combination of Core Modules, Electives and Apprenticeship, that may be taken as desired or with an objective to complete certification - your choice. Course changes are made to these offerings most every year, though the basic structure remains intact.
Core Classes are scheduled with the current student/s in mind. This means many classes are offered one-on-one, and scheduled to fit your need/s and availability.
Walk in the Woods School of Herbal Wellness offers a certificate of completion that is awarded upon fulfillment of required Core and Elective studies as outlined below, including 25 hours of Apprenticeship and demonstration of mastery. Commitment to the certification program is not required and need not hinder you from exploring any of these classes. Your herbal studies may be pursued over time as desired or needed, allowing for flexibility of schedule, commitment and financial considerations.
A certification course overview, including average cost information follows:
Average Cost of Full Certification Study - $2955
~ 18 Core Modules $1530
~ 20 Workshops / Electives $1050 (avg.)
~ 25 hours Apprenticeship $375
CORE CLASS MODULES - $85 per class - Scheduled on a monthly rotation
- Intro to Herbalism and Physiology / Systems and Intro - Materia Medica
- Physiology ~ Digestive System
- Physiology ~ Integumentary System
- Physiology ~ Cardiovascular / Circulatory System
- Physiology ~ Renal / Urinary System
- Physiology ~ Respiratory System
- Physiology ~ Nervous System
- Physiology ~ Endocrine System
- Physiology ~ Lymphatic System
- Physiology ~ ‘Liver System"
- Physiology ~ Reproductive System
- Physiology ~ Muscular & Skeletal System
- Herbal Pharmacology
- Treatment Determinations / Dosage and Treatment Plants - part 1
- Treatment Determinations / Dosage and Treatment Plants - part 2
- Cautions and Contraindications
- Food as Medicine - Nutrition
- Making Herbal Medicines (taught as an open workshop)
For more information regarding these studies please contact me for a FAQ sheet.
The workshops offered are also referred to as "Electives" by Walk in the Woods students. These workshops are open to anyone, regardless of knowledge or experience! For dates and times, please contact me or join us on FaceBook to receive event notices. Here are some of my current offerings:
- Sip Your Way to Wellness - A Tea Workshop
- Pamper Yourself! - A Holistic and Herbal Workshop
- Breast Wellness - A Holistic Herbs and Attitude Workshop
- Wellness & The Wheel of the Year - Autumn
- Wellness & The Wheel of the Year - Winter
- Wellness & The Wheel of the Year - Spring
- Wellness & The Wheel of the Year - Summer
- Plant Spirit Medicine
- Mystical, Magical, Spiritual Herbs
- Making and Enjoying Your own Herbal Oil Infusions
- Making Vinegar Infusions for Nutrition, Wellness and Delight
- Making Oxymels
- Making Herbal Elixers
- Herbs to Relax By
- The Organic Garden - Planning, Growing, Tending, Sustaining
- Essential Oil Applications
- Holistic & Herbal Aphrodisiacs
- First Aid Herbals
- Gaia Friendly Cleaning
- Sprouting an Herbal Business
- Tasseography
- Wild Foods
- Fermenting Spirit! The Art of Wine, Mead and Ale
- Making your Own Botanical Cordials and Liqueurs
- Making Herbal Medicines - A "Core" class open to everyone!
- ~ and more!
HEALING ART - healing expression
~ creative play and intuitive art workshops inspired to nurture holistic health, wellness and growth.
- Create your own Art Journal - learn a simple method of bookbinding to create your very own art journal.
- heART journaling Sundays - informal gathering to create together in intention and community. Seasonal.
- Why heART journal? - a mixed media art journal workshop to explore some of the (infinite) motivations, reasons and benefits to journaling with imagery as well as words.
- Who Am I? - a mixed media heART journal workshop to explore all that you do, all that you love, all that you are.
- Divine Your Divinity - a workshop to explore the "Face of the Feminine Divine" as you perceive it, as you relate to it, and to create “Her” image using meditation, intention, paint and mixed media techniques, all the while nurturing relationship with your spiritual connection to Life.
- Waking the Wild Womyn - a workshop intended to excavate, wake, love and express your wild-womyn-child! You will be guided in creating journeys and pieces of healing art that open you to your inner wildness, that part of you that's be tamed, tempered, even caged, perhaps since you were a we one.
And what a wonderful program it is!
Aw, shucks - THANKS, Kim!
I've been thinking of finding someone to come and offer some of these types of classes here at the farm. Would you have any interest in doing that? Any thoughts on how we could make it work if you were interested?
Jacki (Grech) Ambrozaitis
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