Google+ What I Made Today: Headway

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


This morning, despite externally driven (and, dare I say, unnecessary) rework, I managed to finally label my last batch of my ugly soap, as I lovingly call it. This batch is a wisdom batch, made with oils infused with fresh white sage (and calendula flowers, violet and comfrey leaf) and embellished with an essential oil of clary sage (among other things). Not only is this batch labeled, but it's packed away in the back of my soap drawer, where it will likely cure for close to a year before I get to using it. The drawer is filled ... with my own soaps, and those that I purchase from other soapy artisans.

The rest of my day will be filled with other assorted catch-up activities ... laundry, cleaning, reorganizing, garden and greenhouse tasks, and putting in the rest of the fruit trees from "this batch" (with the spouse) before the next delivery arrives. So, it's a full day ahead of me ... a day of making headway.



Tweedles -- that's me said...

I have a feeling your "ugly soap" is filled with "peace".
And we have a feeling it will be treasured by who ever is lucky enough to have some

Carol said...

Your soap sounds lovely. Making soap was on my to do list today...however I spent too much time working in the yard and garden so it didn't get made. It's now on the list of things to do first tomorrow. I'll be making Sacred Smudge soap with Cedar, Sage and Sweetgrass. This will be my first time with this scent so I'm really looking forward to it.

Tammie Lee said...

your ugly wisdom soap sounds wonderful.

a day of chores, getting tasks done, feels good at the end and can during.

wishing you a good spring day.

GlorV1 said...

Oh I bet those soap smell wonderful. Your day sounds great! Love all you do. I just received a sensuous smelling bar of homemade soap from Cheryl with my cup order. The scent of lavender just takes you away. Have lots of fun.:)

Unknown said...

Love it!

sheila 77 said...

Oh, I can almost smell this soap from your description. Your own soap - how marvellous, and I like its name "Ugly soap", perfect.

Christine said...

your soaps look wonderful, lovely collection you are building.