Google+ What I Made Today: Words, Just Words of Divine Wonder

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Words, Just Words of Divine Wonder

Once upon a time I dreamt of a life of "leisure." A life with time to do all the things I love... and love the things I do.

Who knew it would be so damned busy!?

I live a charmed life. I'm aware of, grateful for, and humbled by this reality. I feel the blessings. Deeply. And daily. Yet ... like most (dare I say, all) blessings, they are not without their challenges (which, you know, I welcome) and I have been feeling taxed by the many charms that mantle me and my life.

So this year I've declared three months as TaB months: Take a Break months. And the first one is this month, April. I scaled back on classes, workshops, events, even studio and planning time. Today I witnessed ~ for the first time in the gods only know how long ~ a day in my planner with nothing ~ No Thing ~ on it. It took nine days to achieve that and by all that is sacred, it feels divine.

It's chilly and rainy again, so getting outdoors with Nona Nature is tabled for today. Or so it seems. I have a brisket from a local farm that will be braised with some vegetables for supper, but that's all I have on my plate at the moment. I sit here, at 7-ish in the AM and wonder ... what shall I dream, do and make manifest today?


I feel so accomplished!

I really do.



sheila 77 said...

That's great - a day with nothing to do, what could be better. Hope you had a lovely day - and I suspect you didn't do nothing.

fortunatetravelers said...

I hope you enjoyed your day as you deserve too enjoy. Happy to know you Rose.

GlorV1 said...

Enjoy you TaB's. Sounds like it's deserving.:)

Kim said...

What a wonderful thought....a day with nothing....a full day of peace. I have been thinking alot about this lately and the light bulb went on just the other day that.....i am the only one that can make this happen. So this is just the nudge I needed. Thanks Rose!

Tammie Lee said...

I feel so happy for you.
and three months of it, wow!

i like have 2-3 plans on my calendar each week, that is all. I love for each day to unfold, with room for plans to appear.

Carol said...

I relish those days :) They are few and far between but lovely when they occur. You are so much like me that I'm sure did something that someone else would call "work" or "labor" but for us it is "LOVE"
Sending you Love and Strength and Healing of SPIRIT ♥

Neesie said...

You're my hero (or heroine) Rosie, for managing to reschedule to such a degree. It's incredible just how busy life can become without us realising it.
I sat for about 10 minutes yesterday in total silence looking out at the countryside and it was just beautiful.
I saw deer, birds, rabbits and a pheasant all on my doorstep.
Enjoy your month of peace and 'ME' time ;D

Sharkbytes said...

Great! I am simply taking a lot of my Saturdays that way. It's all I can manage after Friday nights.