Google+ What I Made Today: Silent Music

Monday, February 15, 2010

Silent Music

I've been slackin', it's true. Not only here on this blog, but in other pieces of my life as well. I feel that blank time and space is an occasional necessity. Like that box I started the other day ... still sitting in the same state in which I left it, resting easy without care or expectation as the life swirls and spins around it, like a reminder that what will be will be.

And so it is.

Yet throughout this lovely sustained dissonance, I've managed to make some fabulous lip balms with a wonderful Wicked friend, share a couple days with good Folk on sacred ground, do some cooking, crocheting, journaling and even drafting some ideas for new labeling. All these things and still dancing without motion, mind open to the fullness of emptiness, and heart beating a silent rhythm I'll catch up to soon enough.



paintingpam said...

So True for creativity to blossom from a quiet time!!
Thanks for the reminder!

sue said...

a silence flowing beautifully... :)

Vincent James Pia said...

"Dancing without motion"

Absolutely beautiful! :-)

Kim said...

Oh, and what fun we had. Can't wait to visit again.