Google+ What I Made Today: A Simple Harvest

Monday, August 9, 2010

A Simple Harvest

Enough said.



Yannie said...


My mother also planted veggies at our backyard.

Rose Clearfield said...

Looks delicious!

RE - RecycledFrockery said...

deliciousness. so what did you cook ?

Unknown said...

mmmm, sigh

Healing Woman said...

Oh gosh. How I longed for my garden to produce a beautiful basket of produce like the one you posted. It was too hot here and I was gone but there is always next year. I will just have to live vicariously through the pictures you show of your wonderful garden's produce. BTW, your basil looks like it has a tiny heart placed in the center.

Brizel Handcrafts said...

Happy Lammas !

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

RE - RecycledFrockery - I prepped 2 quarts of beans for the freezer and made the remaining my family's "Italian style" - cooked al dente and tossed with thin slivers of fresh garden garlic, sweet basil, sea salt and extra virgin olive oil. It's yummy and even better the next day - not that it ever makes it to the next day!

The cukes were prepared in a similar fashion, minus the basil and the zucs were sliced in half, rubbed with olive oil, fresh black pepper, sea salt and spritzed with some of my herbal vinegar and grilled along side chicken my spouse marinated in garlic, olive oil and fresh lemon juice.

It was YUMmy!

Healing Woman - What a sweet observation! I missed that and appreciate you noticing! ♡

Thanks everyone ~ have a beautiful day.