Google+ What I Made Today: Do

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Today, I made do. It seems my motivation to create is resting, and that is as it should be. So I won't force myself or feel any angst or guilt for not expressing myself with art or craft or whatever.

In fact, the energy of today has been more about doing. I got caught up on some eDoings, did the shopping for Saturday's workshop and the household groceries. Used my new shopping bag too! The "greenhouse" plants were put outdoors to breath and start hardening off. I cleaned and seasoned my little smudging cauldron that saw a bit too much moisture over Forest Folk weekend (which was fabulous, by the way). A sweet tea of Ceylon - fair trade and organic - is cooling for the fresh batch of kombucha. And while I really want to play in the gardens, it just feels too cool to me. Even so, I managed to harvest a healthy handful of vernal sweet grass.

I made a picture too. Well - a photo really . . . of the spouse working.

Someone's gotta add some value around here!

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