Greetings my fine bloggish friends! I have a request for you and I really hope that you are inspired to respond in some way, any way - large or small. You see, even as the snow still falls, I am tilling my springtime fields and need a little ... oh, let's just say -
manure from you!
You may know that I'm an herbalist/healer-type and that I teach classes and workshops locally, and you probably already know that I weave creative expression into my healing "arts" and love to share that with others. If you don't, you can learn a little more about these things
Over the past couple of years more than a few folk who are not local to me - and even a few that are - have asked about distance workshops and classes, mostly in the realm of herbalism and healing (specifically "art as a healer"). So here I am - again ... toying with the prospect of offering online classes and simmering the ideas of what to offer and how - at least initially. So, here's where I want your help, your input ...
If I were to offer an online/distance learning opportunity - with some capacity to interact with me *and* others who are also learning/exploring/growing ... what would you like to see?
To be a bit more succinct ... I'm here. You're there. What can I share with you to add some value to your life?
Make sense?
Let me know, will you? Leave a comment here, and feel free to piggy-back off of each other's ideas if you like. Of course, you may contact me directly if you prefer.
I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas - I really am!
Ashe. Peace.