Google+ What I Made Today: Scarves and More Scarves

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Scarves and More Scarves

Being sick forced me not only to slow down, but to be still for a couple of days. During that time I did some reading, some journaling and pulled out some yarns and crochet hooks. I love working with fibers during the cold, dark days of this season, and doing it under the comfort of a blanket, sipping hot tea added to the healing verve that I was nurturing. This activity offered me a harmony and balance that not only kept me still and relaxed so that my body could rest and mend, but also allowed me some passive activity that was enjoyable and productive too.

Today I made time to finish a few from those dark, sick days of this past week by adding fringe. I have a few more to finish off too and can't seem to stop crocheting in the evenings now. I even broke out the knitting needles and will be playing with those stitches soon.

I love how these simple and ordinary things tangle together to create beauty, balance, harmony and healing in our lives.

That's what I made today. Peace.


Sharkbytes said...

Fun stuff to do on chilly evenings. Winter and yarn just go together.

astitchintime said...

Yay for knitting and crocheting. We need to have a FF knitting night :)

Brizel Handcrafts said...

ha ha ha... nothing like slowing down and going into a different kind of production (lol)

The scarves look grand & very yummy :)
Glad you are on the mend...

Cheri said...

I love scarves and these are wonderful, nice job!

Anonymous said...

I love knitting when it's cold outside. We're slightly snowed in here, so it's a good thing I have so much yarn! ;) Hope you're feeling better.

Audrey said...

Hoping you are feeling better today....