Google+ What I Made Today: Minestrone Love

Friday, August 26, 2022

Minestrone Love

This morning was all about rooted Medicine ‘n’ rejuvenation in the form of breakfast with a friend.
This was followed by a farm visit to pick up some peaches. The farmer asked me, “What are you gonna do with them?” I said, “I don’t know yet.”
There was also stop at our local Feed & Supply, and now I’m home, looking at 10 beautiful quarts of minestrone soup (just add pasta!), a favored dinner during the winter months... I’m preparing to wash the jars, so they can be labeled and put away.
Then I’ll be making plans for zucchini - that’s right, more zucchini- and the beautiful peaches that I picked up.
It seems to be a day overflowing with blessings, and I am grateful.

EDIT: In care you're curious, the recipe, such as it is:

🕊 Peace.

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