Google+ What I Made Today: Garlic Scape Pesto

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Garlic Scape Pesto

The garlic scapes were well curled and ripe for "harvest" today.

So, I harvested them!

I lovingly tossed them into my food-processor, added a bit of salt and some olive oil and chopped them well.

I prepped them for the freezer where they will rest a bit before being solid enough make their way into a freezer bag for the deep freeze. Oh, and I got to lick my fingers! 

I also put a first coat of gesso on this ... though you might not be able to imagine what it is, or rather--what it will be, but I got that started and in the making! More on this at some point in the future.

Right now ... I'm gonna go doodle. Enjoy your Sunday evening! 


Anonymous said...

They make Garlic Snakes??

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Ha ha ha.

Tammie Lee said...

yum, you make me want to have a garden again! I let everything be wild here, due to deer. Speaking of deer, I waited for the rains and snow to pass to collect the arnica flowers and all but 5 been eaten!Now I look daily for them, feeling as though I am in a race with deer.

So I made dandelion oil instead.
I want both!

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Hey - who says you can't have a Wild Garden?

And tell me - how do you plan to use the dandelion oil?

Tammie Lee said...

You new banner is lovely and those strawberry photos especially with the white one, ah!

I still have to learn more about dandelion flower oil. I hear it is lovely for massage oil, for muscles and sadness (maybe of winter, not enough light). Do you have suggestions?

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Thank you Tammie! And isn't that white strawberry just lovely. Like a little charm. :)